Almonds benefits part 2

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Almond available throughout the year, almond is a nut which can be found in almost all the world easily. Almond is enriched with vitamins, mineral and proteins. Almonds are full with these unique nutrients, Like Vitamin E, Manganese, copper, vitamin B2, phosphors, magnesium, and fiber. That’s why for centuries people are using Almonds because of its unique nutrients benefits. As I found some more rare Almonds benefits that’s why I decided to write a new article.It’s my 2nd article about Almond and its benefits; you can also found my last article about almond benefits under heading “HEALTHY AND GLOWING SKIN WITH ALMONDS”

Weight loss:

 If you are thinking about dieting to control or loss your weight then you must stop, Instead of this, if you add some almonds in your daily diet then surely you will lose your weight. This fact revealed in a medical research in USA. If you want to lose your weight then eat 40 gm almonds per day. Almonds are low in saturated fatty acids, rich in unsaturated fatty acids, and contain filling fiber. Almonds are easy and best when it comes to losing weight. It have also unique befits for human body it increase proteins and reduce Calories daily usage.

Prevent Heart diseases:

There are 2 chemical compounds in almonds nutrition which are very healthy for heart, same kind of beneficial fats found in olive oil. Almonds basically supply antioxidant flavonoids. As almond have nutrients for lowering cholesterol effects. Almonds reduce heart diseases risk. They protect artery walls against dangerous plaque buildup. Almonds also are a great food to support healthy cholesterol and blood pressure level.

 For beauty:

As everyone knows Almond is a unique and common dry fruit which is available, easily, in every part of the world. This article makes you acquainted with the best uses of Almonds in your beauty applications.

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Almond paste for face:

 Take some almond and soak them in a bowl of water at night. Take them out from the water in the morning and peel off all almonds. Then grind them in any bowl till they become paste add a table tea spoon milk or cream. And massage it on your face well till it absorbed in your skin. Then leave it for half an hour. Then wash it with Luke warm water. Repeating this method daily will make your skin lightening, and shinning.

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 Glowing your Skin:

Almonds are very helpful for brightening your skin. Mix milk cream, almonds powder, sunflower seeds, and make a Facial mask. Apply this mask whenever you feel your skin has been burned by the dust and sun rays. This face mask repairs damaged skin tissues. Eating almonds daily keeps your skin perfectly moisturized and youthful from the inside out.

Almonds for reducing wrinkles:

Almond oil is the best ever effective home remedy for wrinkles. Massaging your face with almond oil fades off wrinkles and sagging skin. If you don’t have almond oil then you can make anti-wrinkle face with one spoon almond powder, plus these other ingredients, one egg white and one spoon lemon juice. Mix them well till it become paste then apply on your face for 15 minutes. Apply this easy remedy once in a week which can helpful to keep your skin youthful and charming for a long time. It can also remove dark circles. Both Eating and using almonds will helpful to maintain your youth and keep you away from wrinkles.


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