Glowing and bright skin

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Every woman dreams of having glowing and bright skin. For this purpose, lots of women try different kinds of skin care products which are easily available in the market but they have no positive results. They never try to find the reasons behind the fact why they never get glowing and shiny skin. What are the reasons, why they failed to have beautiful skin? Users blame the products and it's side affects. Unfortunately many women do not realize that the main reason of dull, tired and darker skin is due to the lack of oxygen, poor sleep and low blood pressure in the body. Outside reasons are also very important just like sun rays, and other environmental affects such as dust and pollution can also cause different kinds of deadly diseases and allergies that can harm your skin. These are the main reasons why beauty creams fail and they provide little or no results.

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A lot of women continue wasting money on beauty creams and other beauty care products to just find themselves yet again disappointed in the outcome. A healthy diet is most important for the body and skin. If you eat spicy or fried foods natural remedies become useless or they provide only temporary results. If You need to sustain your beauty then avoid the spicy, fatty and fried foods. Eating healthy foods and participating in daily exercise are very important not only for your skin but also for your vital organs such as your heart, liver, stomach, abdomen and your central nervous system. Getting a good nights sleep is no doubt essential in your body's overall well being . Eating fruits are also beneficial in helping your skin maintain a clear natural glow. Papaya has been proven to be one the best fruits to aid in maintaining healthy skin along with avocado, cucumber and mango. The best way to make your skin continues to shine and glow is to prepare a weekly food menu adding different fruits into your daily diet. By doing this, there is no doubt that skin care remedies can work successfully on your skin. Please note that you also have to look after your inner health by protecting your skin from outside affects of the environment.

 Here is a very simple home remedy which can transform your dull and tired skin turn into glowing and clear skin quickly without any side effects.


 2 tablespoon rosewater
 1 tablespoon glycerin Add a few cucumber pieces

Combine the ingredients ensuring the cucumber pieces are broke down enough that becomes a paste. When the ingredients become the consistency of a paste, apply it on your face before going to sleep at night and leave it your face, washing it off in the morning. You will surprised to see your face looking brighter, clearer and having a glow in just a few days.

There's another easy home made remedy which can make your dull and dry skin turn into something you've been searching for. Radiant and glowing skin can be yours by following the above listed recipe.

 Rose water, lemon and glycerin are very useful for dry and tired skin. Rose water is a fantastic moisturizer for skin, it is used in many beauty products. It's also a cleaner for eyes and it will improve your eyesight if you use a few drops daily in your eyes.

How to make skin bleach water :

1 cup of rose water
2 tablespoon lemon juice
1 tablespoon glycerin

 Mix all ingredients well and save this liquid in a jar or a bottle. Each night massage your face before you go to bed by putting a few drops of skin bleach water. Wash it off in the morning. In few days you will see the improvement that this liquid has had on your skin making your skin soft and glowing. It's one of the best moisturizers for dry tired skin. You should try it today.


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