Skin whitnes

Skin whitnes:
White or Fair skin is not the standard of beauty, in these days every one wants white and fair skin. There are lot of beauty creams, lotions, and skin whitnes pills available in market. The tragedy of this age is people only focus on the external things. They don't want to use those natural things which are blessing of God for human beings like fruits, vegetables and herbs. I'm not going to tell you any expensive beauty soap pills or creams brands. I'm going to explore some wonderful natural herbs and fruits which can do the same things.

Mint for white skin:

Take some fresh mint leaves and wash them. Take a litter water and add mint leaves let it boil for 10 minutes (boiling time always noted after appearing bubbles).Save this water in clean bottle or a glass jar. Use a cup of this water every day in early morning before breakfast. Repeat this method again when your mint water will finished. You will surely surprised to see the results after 2 weeks. It's a wonderful herb which can make ur skin better white and fair then other skin whitening creams.


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