healthy and glowing skin with Almonds

Everyone wants to have a healthy and glowing skin. Market is full of these beauty stuff which can make  your skin surly beautiful and glowing. People  are looking happy and satisfied with these expensive beauty industry. But it's fact that they all are temporary only natural things can give you a permanent healthy glowing skin.
People think that being beautiful makes us happy but it's not the truth. You will be beautiful if you are happy from inside.

Today I want to share with you one more unique dry fruit  "ALMOND" it's not only useful for your skin but also for all your body system.

Almond is a rich dry fruit with nutrients including antioxidants vitamin E, Potassium, magnesium, plus omega 3. It can give you fair white skin. If you use these nuts regularly it can do wonders for your skin.

Here I'm going to give you a very easy home remedy for white skin.

 For face and hand massage :

 Almond oil = 10 ml (1tbs)

 Margosa leaves

 Basil leaves

Get some fresh leaves of margosa and basil leaves crush them and get it's juice. Mix this juice in almond oil then warm it don't get so hot. Now your almond massage oil is ready for use. Now massage ur face and hands well leave it on your skin for about 30 to 40 minutes. Then rinse off ur skin with luck warm water. Repeat this remedy as needed. it's regular use make your skin white and fair.


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