Proper sleep

Good sleeping
Proper sleep plays a vital role in good health.  Getting enough sleep at night (8 hours)  can help your mental and physical health. 
Our body is working to support a healthy brain.  In children and teens good sleep helps support growth and developing. Sleep helps your brain work properly while your are sleeping your brain is preparing for next day.

Benefits of good sleep

Studdies shows that good sleeping improve your learning power.  Your mind can grasp the things quickly mean your good sleep increase your memory.
Good sleep makes face beautiful and fresh plus ur your eyes become brighter like the stars. Good sleep is also involve in healing and repairing your heart and blood vessels. Good sleep maintain a healthy balance, that's makes you feel hungry

Lack of sleeping 

People who go to bed late at night and sleep very few hours they are less productive plus less active at work and school.
Lack of sleeping makes your memory weak.
Lack of sleep disturb your mental and physical health.
Lot of people aren't aware of the risk of sleeping deficiency our all physical and mental system relies on good sleep to stay healthy.  We shouldn't ignore this important thing which is related to our all body. 


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