
An allergy is the result of an inappropriate response by his immune system. The immune system is  programmed to fight off illness.  But some times it reacts to a harmless foreign substance. In medical it's not clear why it happens but mostly people affected with their families root. More of allergies are mild but some needed a medical treatment.

 Kinds of some common allergies.

 Substance that cause allergies. The more common allergies are mention below.

 1- skin allergy
 2- pollen and grass allergy
 3- changing of weather
 4- medications
 5- food poisoning
 6- dust allergies
 7- chemicals fumes
 8- asthma
These are common allergies which are not harmful for others.

 Allergies reactions

  The reaction of allergies quickly happens within a few minutes. Sneezing, runny nose, red, itchy, watery eyes, wheezing and coughing, a red itchy rush.

 Home remedies

 There are several medicines and treatment available to help control allergies, but here I'm going to inform you some of more cheapest home remedies for some type of common allergies.
Mint green tea

Mint has natural antibiotic properties that can fight against any allergy. Boil 2 cup of water, add some leaves of fresh mint plus some salt for taste only. Then cover the pot for boiling. Drink two cup of this tea daily, first in early morning before breakfast, and 2ndly in evening before dinner. It will reduce the frequency of allergies and make ur blood cool.

 Black pepper

 Black pepper is very easy home remedy for allergy specialy Sneezing and runny nose. Whatever behind it the reason of dust allergy or any other environmental allergies. Mix one half tablespoon of black pepper powder in lukewarm water and add some salt for taste only, drink it 2 or 3 time in a day, u can also eat salads and drink soup mixed with black pepper.


 Ginger is one of the oldest and active home remedies for the treatment of different kind of nasal and Sneezing problems. Cut some slice of ginger put them in a cup of water and boil it for some time. Add a teaspoon of pure honey drink it before going to the bed. You can also lick the ginger by putting some honey on it. It can make your throat fresh.


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