Some necessary skin care tips

Some necessary skin care tips These are some common tips for every type of skin. If you’ll add these tips in your daily routine and make these your habit, then your skin never damage ever, lot of factors effects on our skin, these are from outside and inside..outside like sharp rays of sun, dust, Electrical rays like mobile and others, and changes of weather.. Factors which effect on our skin and body are 80% related with our inside body system like food, water, air, medicines mentally stress, joys happiness, worries a lot …. Medicine is not health care… but the food,,, good food is health care To follow the following tips for all kind of skin, remain Fresh 1=(Water) Everyday before breakfast take a glass of lukewarm water with adding a half lemon or take a glass of water Add one teaspoon of honey. 2=Use soap only made by Well known or familiar Companies. Dettol soap or Dettol liquid is antiseptic disinfectant can use for Skin cleaning it’s the best. 3=It would be good if...